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All Saints Church of England Primary and Nursery School

The Rainbow Rooms

Room 1: Term 3

This term, the children in room 1 will be exploring 'Into the woods...' We will be finding out what can be found in the woods, thinking about animals, habitats and microhabitats. We will explore 'The Gruffalo' and 'Little Red Riding Hood'. We will enjoy researching our favourite woodland animal and will be writing fact files. We will continue to use colourful semantics to support our sentences within talking and writing. We will also continue to work on following 'information carrying word' instructions.

Our Christian value for the term is 'Endurance' and we will be reading the Bible story, Noah's Ark.

Room 1, Topic KO Term 3

 We will continue to cook once a week and forest school will continue on a Friday afternoon. We will be visiting 1066 gymnastics once a week for our PE.


Room 2: Term 3

This term we will be learning about 'The Titanic'.  We will find out when, where and how the ship was built, the sequence of events that led to its tragic accident and what this changed in terms of safety for cruise liners.  We will also look at images of the wreck and discover what we can learn from shipwrecks.  In science we will be looking at light, learning about how it travels and reflects.

Room 2 - Topic - Term 3

Room 2 - Science - Term 3

The Nativity by the Rainbow Rooms (2023)