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All Saints Church of England Primary and Nursery School

Year 2

Yellow Class

Teacher: Miss Skues 

Knowledge Organisers

Each term, we produce a knowledge organiser to explain the key areas of the topic we will be focusing on.  A knowledge organiser is a document that contains key facts and information that children need to have a basic knowledge and understanding of a topic.

Most knowledge organisers will include:

  • the essential facts about the topic, usually laid out in easily digestible chunks
  • key vocabulary or technical terms and their meaning

This term, our question is history-based: 'Is my childhood the same as my grandparents childhood? Through our Key Text 'Traction Man' by Mini Grey we will be creating and telling our own Traction Man adventures.  In our History sessions we will investigate how Childhood has changed since the 1950s, with a focus on toys, school and Christrmas.  To help with our understanding of what life was like for children in the past, we will also be visiting Bexhill Museum and then creating our own Toy Museum at school. In Science, we will continue to investigate materials and their properties as well as exploring how and why some materials change.  For our RE sessions, we will be looking at 'Incarnation: Why is Christmas important for Christians?'

 Year 2 PE takes place on THURSDAY afternoons.

Childhood Knowledge Organiser




Please remember to hear your child read daily – it makes such a difference to your child’s reading.

The children also have a log in for Mathletics.  They should access this regularly to help increase their fluency and help to reinforce what has been learned in class.